Koh Tao Travel Tips
Koh Tao Travel Tips Ahh yes, the fabled old "Travel Tips" I know, I know. You've read countless travel tips and seen even more YouTube videos than your debts after paying for a holiday but bare with me. These aren't your run of the mill travel tips but more to describe the way of life in Thailand and some general rules to go by that will hopefully make your travels the best they can be. Plane Tickets: Before you embark on any adventure, one of the first things you'll have to do is book your plane tickets but as I've mentioned earlier in my blog, local flights within Thailand can be quite pricey, for example some flights from Phuket to Koh Samui can be as expensive as a month's rent, so it's always best to way up your options and try to not let your excitement and eagerness get in the way of you and your wallet's better judgement. On the flip-side however, Once you are in Thailand, it quickly becomes very affordable to visit the neighboring countri...
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